Are you facing delays with pending edits on your Google Business Profile? Our quick fire question and answer session specifically for “Pending Google Business Profile Edits” will help you to understand the review process of your edits and push to get them approved. Learn how to monitor the status of your submissions, read the common reasons behind delays, and learn actionable tips to ensure your edits are approved promptly. A link to Google Business Profile Support is provided!
How can I get a pending edit on my GBP approved?
Normally pending edits get approved automatically, but if you have made changes to your Google Business Profile and it has been on “pending” for days or even weeks then it’s time to contact Google Business Profile Help directly with your issues. Here is the link to email the Google support team by using their contact form:-
What does pending edit mean on Google Business Profile?
Edits made to your Google Business Profile are in the queue as “pending edits” to be reviewed by high level guides to help keep information on Google accurate and reliable.
How long does it normally take Google to review an edit to my GBP?
It typically takes up to 10 minutes for them to review your edits.
Why is my Google Business Profile edit stuck on pending?
It depends on the history of changes you have made, how big the change is that your waiting to be approved and how confirmable the change is. I have personally had changes take a couple hours (like moving floors within the building) to taking a few weeks for service descriptions to be approved. What can work is to link to a news article or official document which can be used as proof to speeds things up. If I am going to change my business information I’ll attempt to capture photos or screenshots of the information as proof. The likelihood of implementing a change might depend on the specific area involved and how frequently others have requested similar changes. In some cases, Google may delay action until additional users suggest the same modification, while at other times, changes may be made automatically.
If you have any questions about your Google Business Profile please leave a comment on this post and we will endeavour to help where we can or point you in the right direction. After all we are Google Business Profile Experts!